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January 7, 2024
Stitching Everyday! from The Cozy Quilter

Kathy, our Slow Sunday Stitching organizer and cheerleader, keeps a journal/calendar where she documents what she sews/knits etc.  each day.  I decided I would track my stitching activities each day this year on a wall calendar which I will keep in my sewing room. So far, I have stitched and/or knitted every day this year!  We will see how this goes.  I don't have a goal of how many days each week I want to stitch--I'm just going to track my activities.  

I added more stitches to my counted cross stitch Christmas project.  This will ...

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November 30, 2023
My Second November Quilting Retreat from The Cozy Quilter

Christine and I attended the annual November Crafter's retreat at Camp Kintail this past weekend.  We both love these weekends away to get lots done on our current and new projects.  I just noticed that a lot of my projects are green in this post...  I made this I Spy HRT quilt top at the Oxford Guild retreat early in November and managed to get it quilted and bound at the retreat.  I finished off the hand stitching on the binding at home this week. 

I found this fun green and white striped fabric in my stash for the ...

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September 10, 2023
Making Gifts from The Cozy Quilter

My next door neighbour is an excellent knitter.  Last week, she helped me to fix a booboo in my knitted dishcloth.  She showed me some socks that she was knitting and I noticed that her knitting bag was a reusable grocery bag. I decided she needed a wide open zipper pouch for her sock knitting projects. I purchased the knitting fabric when on a mini shop hop with friends (we visited two shops and went out for lunch). The other two fabrics and the zipper were in my stash.  Can you tell I like dots?  My neighbour was thrilled with ...

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July 22, 2023
Rainbow Scrap Challenge, Sunflowers and Battle Harbour, Labrador from The Cozy Quilter

This week, for the first time in a long time, I spent some time sewing every day!  In the sewing room, I worked on my light blue (June) and red (July) blocks for my Rainbow Scrap Challenge projects.  I now have 8 pineapple log cabin blocks completed.  I am aiming for 12 blocks for a wall hanging. I really like working on these scrappy blocks...the fabrics bring back all sorts of memories of other things I have made for us as well as gifts given to and received from friends and family alike. 

These 6.5" square slabs are ...

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July 16, 2023
Local Tourists and Back to the Sewing Machine from The Cozy Quilter

I did not have a lot of sewing time in the last 10 see, my cousin and her husband came to visit us for a week.  They live in Scotland and we had not seen each other since 2019.  Since it was their first visit to Canada, they wanted to see all the famous tourist sites including the CN tower in Toronto and Niagara Falls.  So, my husband and I planned an itinerary full of fun and interesting things to see and do...our days were full of chatting and laughing and doing activities together.  Before I share ...

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May 20, 2023
A Gift, Orange Blocks and a Walk in the Woods from The Cozy Quilter

On the way to sewing day on Monday, I stopped at the quilt store to pick up a gift for someone and some fabric to make a table runner for a friend who likes purple.   The lilac fabric jumped out at me as there are lots of lilacs in bloom here right now.   I bought three other colours that went with the lilacs and a striped fabric for the binding.  When I arrived at the sewing studio, of course I cut right into the new fabric and got to work on the table runner. (I was supposed to be working ...

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April 8, 2023
Pineapple Log Cabin and a New Cross Stitch Project from The Cozy Quilter

The Rainbow Scrap Challenge colour for April is purple so I dug into my purple scrap bin and made my pineapple log cabin block. I don't repeat any of the scraps in each block.  Someone had asked if I was paper piecing these blocks...I purchased 2 panels of muslin with the pineapple blocks printed onto it years ago and I am using them for these blocks. I have enough for 24 blocks but will only do 12 for this project and save the rest for another quilt.  No paper to pull off after sewing. I laid out the ...

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March 7, 2023
Retreat Report from The Cozy Quilter

 Christine and I left early for our quilting retreat with the Oxford Guild this past Friday because there was a winter storm coming and we wanted to get there and be set up before the snow started to fall.  The snow started in the afternoon and kept going all night.  In the morning there was almost a foot of snow (30cm for the metric folks).  We were all snowed in and loving it.  We did not lose power and we had our sewing machines and lots of fabric and projects on hand to work on.  It was a great weekend ...

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January 20, 2023
Back to the Sewing Machine from The Cozy Quilter

I spent some quality time with my sewing machine this week.  The Elgin Piecemakers Guild makes comfort quilts for adult chemo patients at our local hospital so each month, we each have to make a block in a certain colour scheme.  I have my first four blocks for 2023 made.  Here they are:

January:  Blue and white.

February: Red, white and blue

March:  Purple, pink and white

April: Blue and purple churn dash. 

I worked on the last three houses for my Coming Home Quilt.  I did not have any light turquoise thread with me at the sewing day this ...

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June 27, 2021
Love Birds Ready to be Framed from The Cozy Quilter

 And just like that, Love Birds is done!  I took a picture of me making the last stitch in the Bride bird's hat. 

The fabric is white but the lighting in my sewing room tonight was not the best for taking a picture of the entire wreath with the Love Birds in the middle.  This project was stitched on 14 count white Aida cloth and took 6 months to complete.  I will be washing it and then taking it to the framers sometime in the next couple of weeks. I am going to take pictures of the framing options ...

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June 20, 2021
So Close to the Finish Line from The Cozy Quilter

 The annual Quilt Canada conference took place online over the past few days and while I have been watching the presentations and quilt shows, I have been stitching away on Love Birds. I finished off the green leaves, both dark and light, and I have started on the bride bird.  

I am very close to being finished all the stitching on this project...a wedding gift for a friend's daughter and her husband. (They got married in November 2020.) I have been working on Love Birds since Christmas. 

The pineapple blocks are all done!  Each block will finish at ...

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June 13, 2021
Yellow and Gray Churn Dash, Pineapples, etc. from The Cozy Quilter

Despite some sewing machine challenges (it's in for repair now), I managed to finish the yellow and gray scrappy churn dash quilt this past week. I love this colour combination!  The backing is a Libs Elliott print which I had in my stash---but only one yard so I had to add a yellow strip to make it big enough for the backing.  The binding is a yellow Kona solid. The quilting was done with bright yellow Aurifil 50wt thread. 

 At a Zoom sew-in on Tuesday, I made a block for the September Comfort quilt for the Elgin Piecemakers.  The ...

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April 25, 2021
Spring to Winter and Back to Spring Again from The Cozy Quilter

We had weird weather this week...Spring and then Winter and then Spring again!  Finn not too keen to go outside on Wednesday morning but did eventually do what he needed to do.  Then he stuck his face in the snow before coming back inside to snuggle with me on the couch while I hand stitched some binding on the placemats I made for Meals on Wheels. 


It melted right away on the driveway and sidewalks so at least we did not have to shovel it!  By Friday, it had all melted and we were in our spring jackets again ...

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April 17, 2021
Sewing My Scraps and some Slow Stitching from The Cozy Quilter

The colours for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge this month are light and medium/bright blue so I made two more blocks for my RSC challenge quilt for 2021. I used 17 different blues in each block. 

Here are the five blocks I have made so far this year.  

 One of the guilds I belong to, the Elgin Piecemakers, has taken on a new charity project this year.  We have 20 members and we have each agreed to make 12 placemats before November to be distributed to all of the Meals on Wheels recipients in our county.  I got started on ...

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March 28, 2021
Slow Sunday Stitching and a Couple of Blocks from The Cozy Quilter

I finally got back to working on my Modern Sampler BOM blocks this week.  I was four blocks behind before this week and now I just have three more to do to catch up!  I have a bin with my fabrics and block patterns in it so it is out on the sewing table now so I can get them done! My focus fabric has glasses on it and then I am using orange and blue stripes and dots for the other fabrics with the gray hash dots for the background. 

I put another blue colour block together as a ...

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March 21, 2021
Table Runner Finish and Pineapples from The Cozy Quilter

I remember saying last week that I thought the project using the leftovers from my recent quilt top finish would be made into a finished project before the quilt...I was right.  These HST blocks called my name early last week.  I tried several different ways of laying them out for the runner, but this one was the one I liked the best.

 I hand sewed the binding on in the car on Wednesday while we were on our way to pick up Finn for his annual stay at our house while our daughter is busy at work.  The backing ...

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March 14, 2021
Stitching on Multiple Projects from The Cozy Quilter

The rainbow scrap challenge colour for February was yellow so I made lots of yellow and gray 16 patches which I used this week to make my version of the Colour Block March quilt Pattern.  I may or may not add borders to this is currently about 45" square.  I will pick out some backing fabric soon and quilt this one myself.  I have several quilts in line to be quilted on my DSM.  Sometimes, the quilting mood hits and I get a bunch done all at once.  I am hoping this happens soon!

There are some leftover ...

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March 7, 2021
Pineapple Log Cabin Class from The Cozy Quilter

This morning, I took a pineapple log cabin class through the Oxford Quilt Guild with Barb V. at Fun With Barb.  She was our Zoom speaker back in November and several members of the guild admired her pineapple log cabin quilt made with 1/2" logs. Someone on the executive suggested a class and so we invited Barb to return today for a Zoom class.  I contemplated fabric options for the quilt all week and, finally, just before class this morning, decided on orange and bright green scraps with a white solid background. Soon, I had enough scraps pressed and ...

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February 7, 2021
The Fabulousness That Is February: One (or More) Monthly Goals from Cheeky Cognoscenti

Hello, my lovelies!  Happy Thursday, and happy FEBRUARY!  Now that I have replenished my supply of Kona Solid in Ocean, I came close to finishing two more sampler blocks for my Retro '80s Building Blocks quilt last night.  The 10" block below wasn't quite done yet when I took this photo:

Progress on Another 10 Inch Sampler Block

All of my block sections had been foundation paper pieced and trimmed, but they still needed to be pieced together and, in order to nest the seams the way I wanted them for crisp, perfectly matched seam intersections, I designed my ...

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